What Motivates Those Who Make Our Work Possible? A Q&A with Donor Mary Breunig

Small donations can make a big difference in the lives of others. Little Things Matter Foundation Co-Founder Barry Annino knew this to be true because he grew up in a family that struggled financially. Often he relied on coins found in sofa cushions to buy milk. Yet, his enterprising nature enabled him to turn those coins into income streams, beginning with selling mangoes out of a cart. Through shrewd investments, Barry managed to create the security that eluded him as a child, along with a non-profit organization to help others invest in creating opportunities for others.

Today, the Little Things Matter Foundation carries Barry’s vision forward through the work of his wife, Debora, who is committed to turning donations into well-being for communities in need. Now, thanks to donor Mary Breunig, Debora is even closer to her goal.  

Mary first witnessed Debora’s work when she joined her and other aspiring writers for a writer’s retreat held at Debora’s home in San Miguel de Allende. During that week, she visited Casa Hogar Corazón Valiente, a home for abandoned children that Little Things Matter Foundation supported through planting organic gardens, installing chicken coops and hosting a week-long summer camp. Mary also visited the rural community of San Miguel Viejo, where she volunteered for the Foundation’s partner, Ojala’s Niños. 

“Mary embraced the culture and the people, and quickly saw the value that small investments can bring to children, mothers, and communities,” said Debora. “It warms my heart to see the delight of guests like Mary when they spend time here. Her support exceeds the financial investment she provides. Her prayers, encouragement, and faith in the work I am doing gives me great confidence that little things really do matter.”

In this Q&A, Mary shares a bit of her own story and what motivates her to support this work.

Tell us a bit about you. Who is Mary Breunig?

My husband, Bob, and I were college sweethearts at Arizona State. We got married after Bob’s rookie year and by the grace of God, we’ve been married for 45 years. We became Christians before we got married, but our faith grew after we moved to Dallas. Bob played as a middle linebacker for the Cowboys under Coach Tom Landy. Coach Landry offered a Bible study for the team. This wonderful, very manly, interracial faith group was an amazing experience for both of us. Looking back on that, I think about the message in Psalm 40:2. It truly felt as if God pulled us out of the pit and placed us on a rock. We have since joined Fellowship Bible Church, where I met Debora and came to learn about her work.

What inspires you and Bob to give to non-profits?

What inspires me to want to be a part of good charities and programs like Little Things Matter Foundation is my belief that God owns it all. He cares about everyone, but certainly the less fortunate in particular, and He wants us to care about them, too. 

What about the Little Things Matter Foundation inspired you to give to this cause?

When you see challenging circumstances and someone who can strategically address those, you want to affirm it. Debora is really involved in this. She puts her time, heart, and mind into it. I expect to see her get even more affirmation along the way to grow this, as others get a front row seat into these projects and communities she is involved with. She’s obviously very committed to it and satisfied by it. When you find a place where you can make a difference, you do it. Debora’s giftedness of opening doors and pulling things off inspires me. She is both talented and fearless.

After visiting San Miguel de Allende, what impressed you about the project investments that Little Things Matter Foundation has made?

The afterschool care gives these under-resourced children a place to go with planned activities that are both fun and encouraging. This learning program has the power to change the whole trajectory of a child’s life. How amazing is that?!

Barry was baptized at your home less than 30 days before he passed from this life into eternity. How has your home become a place of hospitality and ministry to others?

We love being able to share our home with all sorts of groups. From baptisms to Bible studies, our house is a relaxing, informal environment that can handle a crowd. After four kids, eight grandchildren, several dogs, horses, and cats, we are easygoing hosts. We have personally benefitted from others who have shared their lives and homes with us…so how encouraging for us to get to do the same thing!

The Little Things Matter Foundation was borne from Barry’s desire to leave a legacy that mattered and that would make a difference in the lives of others. One of the key messages behind the Foundation is the power of legacy. What do hope will be your legacy?

As parents and grandparents, we hope to leave a simple legacy of faith in God and love for others. In the end, it will not matter how many resources we accumulated, adventures we entertained, or status we acquired. What will matter will be how we loved God and how we reflected His amazing enduring love for others.   


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